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Tag: biometrics

Biometric scanners could be coming to an airport near you

Biometric scanners could be coming to an airport near you

June 27, 2014

Looking to avoid crowds and speed up the screening process when you travel by plane? If you’re willing to provide certain personal information — and pay an annual fee — you can now put biometric scanners to work for you at several airports across the U.S. The technology is already in place in San Francisco […]

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Apple aims for biometric greatness with new fingerprint scanners, misses

Apple aims for biometric greatness with new fingerprint scanners, misses

October 1, 2013

Fingerprint scanners make it into everyone’s wildest dreams for a future of unbelievable convenience. No more digging around for keys in the dead of night in the middle of winter. Open sesame! What you need is quite literally, at your fingertips. And imagine the security! Thieves would have to pry your very fingertips from your […]

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Civil rights activists sue FBI for access to facial recognition technology records

Civil rights activists sue FBI for access to facial recognition technology records

July 10, 2013

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a California based non-profit digital rights organization, has filed a lawsuit against the FBI over the use of its Next Generation Identification (NGI) program. EFF is concerned about the use, or rather the potential misuse, of the new system’s facial recognition technology along with the privacy issues that will arise […]

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