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Tag: 30.07

Making sense of Texas gun signs

Making sense of Texas gun signs

January 11, 2016 | 0 Comments

New Texas gun laws went into effect on January 1, 2016.  Before, Texans with handgun permits were required to keep their weapons concealed. The open carry law gives Texans the option to carry their handguns openly, as well as concealed. Under the new law, Texans with handgun permits can be armed in most places open […]

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Texas signage prohibiting firearms draws controversy

Texas signage prohibiting firearms draws controversy

January 5, 2016 | 0 Comments

A new Texas law permitting gun owners to carry unconcealed weapons in public went into effect on New Year’s Day 2016. Starting this year, owners of private businesses who wish to prohibit weapons on site may do so via posted signage, but regulations on the signage has already caused more than a few headaches. According to Texas […]

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