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Electric Fence Signs Save From a “Shocking” Experience

Electric Fence Signs Save From a “Shocking” Experience

May 10, 2017 | 0 Comments

A typical electric fence is meant to issue a deterrent shock that will cause a person to back away, but not strong enough to cause permanent harm. They’re widely used in livestock enclosures, for farm protection from pests and predators, or as property protection against trespassers. However, there have been incidents when fence installers have […]

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San Francisco police seek help of private surveillance cameras

San Francisco police seek help of private surveillance cameras

September 12, 2014

Giving police a new tool for investigating crime, San Jose, the Bay Area’s largest city, has approved a registry of private surveillance cameras. Currently, cops in California are looking to give police departments access to private surveillance cameras. In this public participation approach, residents and businesses can get their cameras registered with local police departments […]

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No ban, just a request: Chipotle’s response to open rifle display

No ban, just a request: Chipotle’s response to open rifle display

June 6, 2014

Chipotle fans, better keep your guards down before you step in for a burrito. After Starbucks and Jack in the Box, Chipotle Mexican Grill has become the third food and beverage chain to ask customers to not bring in loaded guns. The Denver-based company’s decision came after an open demonstration by gun advocates in one […]

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Data sharing could make international travel difficult

Data sharing could make international travel difficult

May 28, 2014

What you say online can hurt your chances of entering a country you plan to visit. Many countries are making it tougher for people to cross their borders, and thanks to personal databases flowing freely between countries, they are having an easier time doing so. “As more data is being amassed, it is being moved […]

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Yosemite National Park bans drones, but is it legal?

Yosemite National Park bans drones, but is it legal?

May 9, 2014

From a surveillance device to a tool for recreation — drones have come a long way in the past couple of decades. Now, because drones have the potential to take away from wildlife and nature experiences, Yosemite National Park has banned the unmanned aircraft within the park’s limits. The public has mixed reactions to the […]

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Tennessee State University issues new, trackable ID cards

Tennessee State University issues new, trackable ID cards

March 27, 2014

Tennessee State University in Nashville has mandated new trackable ID cards for students, staff, and faculty to carry at all times. Effective since March 1, these IDs are required to access the university campus, TSU events, and utilize resources like the library and cafeteria. In addition to granting access, IDs will track the wearer’s movements […]

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Wrong place, wrong time, but did this CEO deserve a summons?

Wrong place, wrong time, but did this CEO deserve a summons?

March 7, 2014

On the morning of Thursday, February 27, Peter Shankman had two things on his mind: his busy schedule and his upcoming Ironman competition. In order to squeeze training into his day, he planned a 10-mile run, starting before 4:30 a.m. Shankman headed to New York City’s Central Park, entering at 63rd Street and Central Park […]

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