Tag: security
When can you put booby traps on your property?
The jerry-rigged booby trap has been a staple of fiction for decades. Home Alone. Indiana Jones. Dungeons & Dragons. And from time to time, a property holder decides that lethal or potentially lethal force is appropriate to try to secure their property. Someone, whether an intruder, a guest, or the landowner, gets hurt (or killed), […]
Southwest Airlines’ stowaway not considered a security breach
When a woman managed to board a Southwest Airlines flight from San Jose, California to Los Angeles without a ticket last week, the real story was, of course, about the security breach. The situation brings up some obvious questions: How could something like this happen in post-9/11 America? Don’t we have better security than this? […]
Faux Private Property signs face fines
Suppose you’re lucky enough to own beachfront property. While living there, enjoying the view, cooling breezes, and other various benefits of your ideal location, you witness random visitors trashing the area. They use the nearby public part of the beach as their own personal dumping grounds. They urinate freely and light bonfires dangerously close to […]
July 4 festivities bring increased security
July’s approaching, and that means Fourth of July festivities are upon us. Before you know it, you’ll be relaxing at a barbecue, sitting by a pool, and gazing at fireworks. Sure, July 4 is a time to celebrate – but did you know that it’s also one of the most dangerous days of the year? […]
Remote concierge brings safety and convenience to businesses and consumers
As residents of high rises in major cities know, a friendly face in the lobby makes you feel safer. The roles of doorman and concierge are sometimes performed by the same person, and sometimes those duties are performed by a team that includes security and maintenance personnel. The more the merrier, but that level of […]
The best places to install hidden cameras
Often, the very sight of the all-recording eye of a surveillance camera is enough to deter crime — it’s easier for a criminal to move on to a target where evidence isn’t being recorded. But if the goal is to catch an intruder (or an escaper) in the act, then installing a hidden outdoor camera […]