Tag: National Rifle Association

Map shows gunshots near D.C. schools
The debate over guns in schools is a hot topic everyone’s familiar with. But what about guns near schools? Near enough, say, to be dangerous to children during their school day? That’s the focus of a recently created map of inner city Washington, D.C. schools and gunshots. To develop the map, the Urban Institute’s Justice […]

NRA article sparks debate
Here’s an idea: If you want to convince people that brandishing weapons in public spaces is a good thing, show up at restaurants, at churches, at stores, with your rifles out in full view of diners, worshippers, patrons, etc. That’s what some gun rights advocates are doing in Texas, to protest in favor of their […]

No ban, just a request: Chipotle’s response to open rifle display
Chipotle fans, better keep your guards down before you step in for a burrito. After Starbucks and Jack in the Box, Chipotle Mexican Grill has become the third food and beverage chain to ask customers to not bring in loaded guns. The Denver-based company’s decision came after an open demonstration by gun advocates in one […]

Concealed carry more likely to harm than protect
If you think the concealed carry regulations (the legal carrying of a concealed weapon) protect you from a potential assailant, you may be mistaken. Statistics suggest that those who legally carry concealed weapons have often been responsible for taking lives rather than saving them. A test by the TV show 20/20 found that just having a weapon […]